Who am I

Born 4th of 5, in Indiana, to genetically REALLY WHITE FOLK. The story I heard as a child was that my paternal Grandfather was once offered an 'in' with the local KKK. He declined. And thus, could never continue in politics, at that time, in this region.

After my first year, we moved to Iowa, which we left behind in my second year, moving to Salt Lake City. We stayed there 6 years, making me 8 when we moved back to Indiana. This time, in Indianapolis, the city.

Both of my folks grew up on farms, during the Great Depression. As children, Mom and Dad never noticed the depression. It was just the way it was. So, we, their children, had it pretty good. 

After high school, I tried college, for about 7 years, ended up studying theatre. Not finishing things will be a theme.

Somehow, I got by working in theatres across the Midwest without being union for my 20s and early 30s. Then spent the remainder of my 30s, into my 40s, running (with partners) a sideshow. Made some of my theatre friends recoil in horror. Made me laugh! 

Laughed so hard, I got an addiction (or four!) I made it through the 'socially unacceptable ' addictions with a few scars, then rode one of the 'socially acceptable' addictions to some success in food service. I was getting a coaching session there toward the end when I exclaimed "I'm not doing food any more, I'm doing IT" - Pulled that out of my ass alright.

Now I'm 45. Start in a factory, doing hardware customization for desktop computers coming off the assembly line in a Foxcon factory for Hewlett Packard. Moved from there to doing customer service through Kelly Services for a Call Center. Almost got work as a full timer working help desk, but I didn't want the frustration of that. Turned out IT sucked as much as food. 

After some other false starts, including going back to food briefly, I ended back at a call center, helping retirees. 

After work I was drinking more than I had in food service. That job finally came crumbling down as a result of the drinking. Immediately, I received my second DUI in a little over 5 years. Luckily it was a little over, if it were under 5 years, I would have been automatically charged with a felony. I only received  misdemeanors. 

If I ever get a DUI again, I will automatically be charged with a felony. So, I don't drink if there is a chance I'm driving. I actually just don't have an appetite for alcohol anymore. Maybe a beer or a glass of wine at dinner, but not the hard stuff. And never drink alone at home. I do still smoke pot. Getting a DUI is a messier affair if they accuse me of smoking, but it'll help if I've not had any alcohol. So I also don't drive much.

I did forget to mention that I got hurt at 18 (torn ACL, right knee, with 80% meniscectomy,) 23 (compression fracture, T9 and 10, anterior,) and 28 (torn ACL, left knee, with 70% meniscectomy.) This, combined with another injury at 48 (comminuted fracture of the right clavicle, with a semi-hemi-pneumothorax) led to my being awarded disability in 2017, back dated to 2011, when I first applied.

There is not much more. I'm 56 now and sedentary. Once COVID has an immunization, I'm going to audition for community theatre again. But until then, I wait.


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